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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 3 Question

What secret does Kenny know about but decides not to share with Mrs. Watson? Why does he make that choice?

Make sure to answer the question with a RAD response and use details from the text to support your answer. Please check your grammar, spelling, capitalization, and conventions before submitting your reponse.


  1. Q3:The secret that Kenny choses not to share with Momma is that between Dad and Kenny they made a deal that if they listen to country music Mom will get a divorce (Mom doesn’t know about this.) Surprisingly Dad did just that. Kenny makes this choice because he doesn't want to share this with mom because he doesn't want a divorce between the two. I wonder why Dad broke this promise. If I were Dad I would tell Mom so I don’t accidentally accuse her of listening to country music

    1. It doesn't have to be exactly about music it could be some thing else.Also why would he not want to share that with momma it's not like she's going to go psycho on him.Like she did with Byron.

  2. I think the thing Kennys hiding the picture of the white boy in Joey’s shoe. I think he’s hiding it (which is not the typical Kenny I know from this book) because he’s scared about it or in shock. I don’t know if he is afraid that Momma going to do something bad to Joey. I don’t know if it’s about how he got Byron in trouble and she was protecting him and all. But if it’s something worse then God please help us all. As the Watson in the book.

    1. Isaiah i like your thinking but i don't think that is the secret

  3. I think the secret Kenny is trying to hide is a picture of a "white" boy in Joey’s shoe. The boy’s name is Buster Brown. I don’t know if Joey likes him. But, I think she does. Kenny did not tell his mother because he knew his mom would get sooo excited for Joey, and then embarrass her like “What’s his name?”, “What is he like?” All these embarrassing questions.


    1. I like yours a lot Julia, you did a good job putting detail in your thinking.

  4. I think the secret that Kenny is hiding from mamma is that dad is not going to stick with the plans that mamma drew out on the notebook "The Watson's go to Birmingham-1963." I think dad is doing this because he want's to save money and suprise mamma.I think dad took a riskie chance because driving that long, you could fall a sleep and then crash.I can see why Kenny does not tell his mom because if I were Kenny I would not want to let my dad know that I was listioning to his conversation because then I will feel ashamed.If I don't tell my mother she could get really iratated that we just completly threw her hard work into the trash.

    1. I liked that you used text evidence to support your idea. Also I liked your word choice like "ashamed". I liked that you said "I don't tell my mom she could get really irritated that we just completely threw her hard work in the trash.

    2. I like your thinking. I mean plans are HORRIBLE! You have to follow them, even though you don't want to. Dad must feel that way!

      But also, what do you mean "I don't tell my mother she could get really iratated that we just completely threw her hard work into the trash". Can you make that more understandable?

  5. I think the thing Kenny was trying to hide from Momma was the picture of the white boy in the shoe. I think that because Kenny might be embarrassed to show Momma the picture, but that surprises me because that's not really who Kenny is. I think it's not really fair to Kenny and the Watsons that they have to hide from that. Like when Joey got the white angel and she said it didn't look like her because it was white. I think that all people should be considered equal.
