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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 2 Question

After Byron gets in big trouble with Momma, Joey deliberately keeps putting herself between Momma and Byron by blowing out the match. Why does Joey keep blowing out the match? What lesson is Momma trying to teach Byron?

Please write you response in RAD format. Check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization before you post.


  1. When Byron got in trouble, Joey kept running in front of Momma and him to put the fire out. She was doing this because even though Byron is really “cool”, Joey loves him. There are even clues to Joey loving Byron like when she asked
    Kenny to ask Byron if he could get Momma to stop letting them wear so much winter clothes. Joey also did this because she probably thought Byron would do it again and he should learn himself. Also, she probably knew everybody touches fire

    The lesson Momma was teaching Byron was that fire is dangerous. It said in the book that Momma said this will teach you to not touch fire. She was going to burn his finger.

    From, Julia

    1. No she burnt his whole hand!But what was stupider is he got that stupid hairdo, all cool points on that are lost on that!


    2. I think finger, On page 72, bottom paragraph Mom said "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm only going to burn just his fingers enough so he won't be ever tempted by fire ever again.

  2. Joey was try to prevent momma from burning Byron because she doesn't like for people to get hurt or burned like fried chicken.I thought momma was going to burn Joey too because she was protecting Byron.But I guess if you swear to God to do something you better do because you swore to God.Also, I never thought momma would burn Byron because of that and the boy is a thirteen year old boy what do you expect him to be perfect.I think that momma was trying to teach Byron that you better listen to me your Lord Please Help YOU.I really think He got his lesson on that one.But what’s the real kicker is that you never hear him scream in the book besides this.So his butt was really scared when he screamed and fled at the end of the chapter.

    1. I like how you said "burnt like fried chicken". Hahaha!

    2. You got that right!

    3. I like the way you still answered the question but in your own voice.

  3. Byron made a bad choice to play “Nazi parachutes attack and get shot down by Captain Byron Watson and his flamethrower of death” and Mom got really mad . Joey kept putting herself in front of Mom to stop her from burning Byron. The story states “ Joetta stay away from him.” so Joey and Kenny knew she was not playing a game. The lesson Mom was trying to teach Byron was how dangerous fire is. I believe that she did it well. I would never play with fire if that was the consequence ! (not that I ever would ) The story states that byron close his eyes and screamed. I hope Byron os okay!

    1. I know Joey is putting the fire out, but can you go a little farther into thought about Joey and Byron? Think of other scenarios with Joey and Byron.

    2. I like how you start off with your lead it is not boring like the leads i came up with

  4. I think the reason why Joey is blowing out the match is because Joey thought that mom already got Joey with the match and joey was blowing it out right before mamma got Byron.I think mamma had a enough of all the spit that joey was launching out of her mouth on to Byron and mamma.I thought that was pretty gross if I were Byron because all the spit would be oozing all over you! Mamma was trying to teach Byron how dangerous fire can be.She even stated in the book that when she was little that her house got on fire and she had to go to school with all of her clothes all smoky and smelly.Mamma and her siblings got humiliated by her classmates and mamma does not want it to happen to her children.I think mamma should have done something else instead of almost burning his whole finger off.I would have just made him go to school with clothes smelling like smoke for a month or a couple weeks.

    1. I like that you used text evidence to support your thought . I liked the word choice like oozing! I agree that Joey was blowing out the match to save By. I also liked that you used your opinion,too.

    2. Cooper, what do you mean: I think the reason why Joey is blowing out the match is because Joey thought that mom already got Joey with the match and joey was blowing it out right before mamma got Byron. This does not make sense!


  5. After Byron gets in trouble with big Momma, Joey keeps blowing out the match because she doesn't want to see anyone get hurt or burned with a match. Joey doesn't like seeing Byron get hurt or in trouble. I think that first Joey thought Momma already got Byron But then I think she was just making sure nothing happened. I know how momma feels about when Joey’s slobber was all over her because I have a little sister who gets her slobber all over me all the time then I just get tired of it and that was why Momma stopped. I would be scared like Joey if someone older than me who was in my family was going to get burned, but Momma did swear to the lord she would. Momma was trying to teach Byron about what goes around comes around, and that if you don't listen the first time consequences will happen.
